Submit a nomination (AGM)

You can submit a nomination for the Leckhampton Players Annual General Meeting (AGM) by completing the form below.

If you wish to nominate a member, please ensure that they are aware and willing to be nominated. If you wish to seek nomination for a role, you need to be nominated by any active, paid up or life member (only these membership types are able to nominate and vote).

You should submit any nominations by Thursday 18th April 2024. Nominations submitted after the above date will not be counted. If you have any questions, please email

Your nomination

The current holder of each role is indicated below – existing committee members who do not wish to be re-elected are highlighted**. You can leave roles blank if you don’t wish to nominate.

    If no other nominations are received for a role where the current holder offers themselves for re-election, then the current holder will be proposed and seconded at the AGM.